Hi…and thanks for checking out my blog!

Besides being an adoption consultant, I’m a singer (well, let’s just say it’s been a significant hobby of mine my whole life). As I ventured through my own journey to get here, I identified a lot with Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and my theme song was Somewhere over the Rainbow.

Over the next several months, I will share my journey down the yellow brick road (I’m sticking with the theme) filled with hopes and dreams and trying to rise above difficult challenges…from dreaming about becoming a mother, through my fertility treatments (don’t worry, I will leave the gory details out), a much-needed break, hanging on to the dream, my adoption journey, and now. I’ll mix in some pertinent adoption information, too. I hope you will tune in and engage in the conversation.

While each of our stories is unique, I know many of you will relate, and for others, I hope to provide some hope and inspiration…or good bathroom reading! I look forward to baring it all (I think!) and look forward to having you as part of my community.

Until next time,

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